When Gradle attempts to download dependencies, you get intermittent timeout or connection errors.
Possible solutions:
There are numerous reasons why this can happen, and several potential solutions.
Limiting the Maximum Number of Gradle Workers
Connection issues might increase after upgrading to a more powerful machine. This is because Gradle uses the additional processor threads to download more dependencies simultaneously. This can result in rate limiting errors.
One workaround is to limit the number of threads Gradle can use by specifying the maximum number of workers.
If you are calling a Gradle task from a Script Step, add the following argument:
Alternatively, you can add the following to your file:
org.gradle.workers.max=(max # of worker processes)
Retrying Failed Connections
Some dependencies from third parties may be using unstable hosting. In these instances, retrying a failed download can sometimes resolve the issue and keep the build from failing.
To have Maven retry connections, add the following to your
maven.wagon.http.retryHandler.count = 5
Committing Dependencies to Source Control
We highly recommend committing dependencies to your repository. Not only does this help with stability, but it dramatically decreases build times as well.
Additional information:
Committing dependencies to source control.