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Knowledge Base

Have any questions? Find the answers to all of them.

188 articles

Avoid Displaying Paste Security Message on iOS 16
Unable to upload p12 certificate error- pkcs12: expected exactly two items in the authenticated safe
Build for watchOS simulator
Deploy to App Store fails with "Could not determine the package’s bundle ID. The package is missing an Info.plist or the CFBundlePackageType is not ‘APPL’ or ‘FMWK’ (-21017)
Xcode-Test failed with: Error retrieving daemon unix domain socket from simulator, failed after 30 attempts
Automate your Bundle Version in Xcode increments with your Build numbering
Automatic code signing limitations
xcodebuild process hangs indefinitely
Error: No profiles found
Segmentation fault
Xcode Unit Test fails without any error, with exit code 65
Xcode / the iOS Simulator has issues in performance limited environments
System dialog blocks the tests to run
Duplicated Schemes
No mobileprovision path found / No embedded.mobileprovision found in …
No identity found
Invalid IPA
No dSYM found
CocoaPods frameworks signing issue
Fastlane export issue
CocoaPods (missing) dependency issue
Installing additional simulators for Xcode UI tests
Can't install private SwiftPM dependency
Releasing all schemes in a single build
iOS UI tests are failing intermittently
Error: contents.xcworkspacedata does not exist
Xcode Archive error: "Authentication failed because no credentials were provided"
Cache DerivedData for iOS builds with Bitrise
Can't install iOS .ipa
error: exportArchive: IPA processing failed issue in Xcode Archive & Export for iOS step
Missing required module in the Xcode Test for iOS step
Package dependency errors when using Xcode Test for iOS step
Managing a large number of provisioning profiles and certificates
Error: no iOS Development signing certificate found
Error: Signing for X requires a development team
Test Plans from Xcode 11 onwards
Error: Process config: simulator UDID lookup failed
Error: Your account has reached the maximum number of certificates
Transporter transfer failed, issuer ID is required
Local Mirrors of CocoaPods and Homebrew failed to find a dependency
Paste permission pop-up on iOS
Enabling UI automation for macOS tests
VPN and DNS issues with macOS Ventura stacks
Error: "SwiftLintPlugin" must be enabled before it can be used
Found multiple versions of Xcode in /Applications/ error
Xcode 14 and React Native 0.70.0 Xcode Archive Step sign in issue

Git Clone failures on Ventura via SSH
Accidentally published private artifacts to a public install page
Build hangs when performing a simulator reset during the build
Why does my build take longer on Bitrise than on my machine?
How can I grant Bitrise access to a Bitbucket team?
How can I generate an SSH key pair?
How to grant Bitrise access to a GitHub Organization?
Creating a branch in Github via a build
A Step hangs - a tool requires permission
The build works in local but not on
Build status indicator on GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket does not work
Build Trigger does not work
Workflow Editor doesn't load
What the Bitrise Support user can/can't do
Debugging your build
Building with FAKE (F# Make)
Deploying a Middleman website with Bitrise
Downloading or replacing project resources
Keeping a build running after a Step fails
How to grant Bitrise access to a GitHub Organization?
Gradle Runner cannot find libncurses
Can't find code coverage files produced by Xcode Test for iOS Step
Error: NDK is not installed
Use of unknown directive '#filePath'
Tag triggers not starting builds
The scheme 'MyTestScheme' is not configured for running
A community created Step's latest version is unavailable in the Workflow Editor
"[ENVMAN] environment list too large" error
Verification error when trying to access the Support Help Center
Charging for a Bitrise client mobile app for distribution
Reporting build status to a GitHub Enterprise repository
Workflow runs on Bitrise but fails locally
App icon not updating
Error: failed to determine latest (iOS) simulator version
Issue with authentication related inputs
Cocoapods failing install with 429 response
'Failed to ensure android components' error
Setting a specific Carthage version in your builds
Getting curl: (35) LibreSSL SSL connect: SSL ERROR SYSCALL in connection to when trying to install ideviceinstaller
Error saving app config: 784: unexpected token at 'Argument list too long - bin/bitrise'
How to set the Yarn version for your builds
Wrong URL used for SAML SSO setup
Screenshot tests fail on Android
Inconsistent Danger configuration
Overriding Env Vars through the Build Trigger API
Accessing a repository via a VPN
Generic file limit
Restore an accidentally deleted Workflow
The Cache:Push Step hangs for an extended period of time
Cache is not saved for pull requests
Bitrise Bug Bounty Program
Fastlane Step does not get the FASTLANE SESSION variable correctly
Linked the wrong Git account to Bitrise
Specifying an SSH username for Git
Unable to clone submodule or private repo dependency
Step fails due to missing input variables on pull request builds
Rebuild with Remote Access: ssh not working
Can't enable Selective Builds
Github Rate Limit Exceeded
Customizing the function of a Bitrise Step
UI Tests: Screenshots section under Firebase TestLab tab empty
Getting the URL for test artifacts
Testing multiple Android modules at the same time
Encrypted SSH key
Github Release Step fails with 404 error
Forcing Git to use SSH URLs on Bitrise VMs
How to disable Bitrise usage information and analytics
How long does the cache persist on Bitrise?
Custom names for the GitHub Checks status report
Location of UI Tests Executions
Not receiving e-mail notifications
Speeding up builds using fan out for running parallel builds
Appium installation failed
The bitrise.yml in repo feature doesn't work with GitHub Org
Not receiving email notifications for successful / failed builds
Bitrise Support User is not enabled
Sending a link to a file in Slack
No activity summaries found for test with Danger
Couldn't find a bitrise.yml file in the app's repository
Error: Checksum for Cask 'google-chrome' does not match
Prevent exposing secret Env Vars in build logs
Using Environment Variables across builds
Error 'panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range [5:4] ' when using iOS Auto Provision with AppStore Connect API step issue
Failed to get a simulator Unique Device Identified (UDID)
Unable to sign jar due to invalid LOC header
Invalid toolchain - app built with beta version of Xcode/SDK
Couldn't find a bitrise.yml in the app repository
Builds aren't getting triggered
Yarn error: "There appears to be trouble with your network connection"
Skipping a build for a commit or a pull request
"Rolling builds" function doesn't abort build
UI Test Results with AVD are inconsistent
Failed to boot emulator device (AVD)
Organization-level Environment Variables
Slow artifact download speed
Committing your dependencies into your repository
Disabling Homebrew auto update
402 Payment Required error