Is there a way to get the URL for the test artifacts that were generated during my build?
Possible solutions:
Yes, you can use the Bitrise API to get this information. You can retrieve the data of a specific artifact by using the GET/apps/{app-slug}/builds/{build-slug}/artifacts/{artifact-slug} endpoint.
Here is an example script that uses the Bitrise Artifact API to send the Artifact URLs to Slack:
#!/usr/bin/env bash #access token can be generated here( and stored as secret access_token=$BITRISE_API_ACCESS_TOKEN app_slug="your-app-id" # the id of your app build_slug=$BITRISE_BUILD_SLUGbitrise_api_url="" the_url="$bitrise_api_url/apps/$app_slug/builds/$build_slug/artifacts"artifacts_array=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: $access_token" $the_url)for artifact_index in 0 1 2 #we have 3 artifacts do artifact=$(echo ${artifacts_array} | jq -r ".data[$artifact_index]") artifact_slug=$(echo ${artifact} | jq -r '.slug') artifact_url="$the_url/$artifact_slug" artifact_metadata_response=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: $access_token" ${artifact_url}) artifact_name=$(echo ${artifact_metadata_response} | jq -r '.data .title') artifact_download_url=$(echo ${artifact_metadata_response} | jq -r '.data .expiring_download_url') echo echo ":point_down: $artifact_name :point_down:" echo echo ${artifact_download_url} done