When trying to use homebrew to install "google-chrome", I receive the following error:
`Error: Checksum for Cask 'google-chrome' does not match`
Possible solutions:
This error is received when the checksum for the source does not match the checksum for the downloaded file. This might be an issue with the download process. If so, the problem could resolve itself.
If the issue persists, the cask may be outdated and needs a new version.
As a workaround, you can add the following to a Script Step to install:
temp=$TMPDIR$(uuidgen) mkdir -p $temp/mount curl > $temp/1.dmg yes | hdiutil attach -noverify -nobrowse -mountpoint $temp/mount $temp/1.dmg cp -r $temp/mount/*.app /Applications hdiutil detach $temp/mount rm -r $temp