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Xcode issues, Swift, iOS code signing, Xcode tests, Testflight

46 articles
Avoid Displaying Paste Security Message on iOS 16
Unable to upload p12 certificate error- pkcs12: expected exactly two items in the authenticated safe
Build for watchOS simulator
Deploy to App Store fails with "Could not determine the package’s bundle ID. The package is missing an Info.plist or the CFBundlePackageType is not ‘APPL’ or ‘FMWK’ (-21017)
Xcode-Test failed with: Error retrieving daemon unix domain socket from simulator, failed after 30 attempts
Automate your Bundle Version in Xcode increments with your Build numbering
Automatic code signing limitations
xcodebuild process hangs indefinitely
Error: No profiles found
Segmentation fault
Xcode Unit Test fails without any error, with exit code 65
Xcode / the iOS Simulator has issues in performance limited environments
System dialog blocks the tests to run
Duplicated Schemes
No mobileprovision path found / No embedded.mobileprovision found in …
No identity found
Invalid IPA
No dSYM found
CocoaPods frameworks signing issue
Fastlane export issue
CocoaPods (missing) dependency issue
Installing additional simulators for Xcode UI tests
Can't install private SwiftPM dependency
Releasing all schemes in a single build
iOS UI tests are failing intermittently
Error: contents.xcworkspacedata does not exist
Xcode Archive error: "Authentication failed because no credentials were provided"
Cache DerivedData for iOS builds with Bitrise
Can't install iOS .ipa
error: exportArchive: IPA processing failed issue in Xcode Archive & Export for iOS step
Missing required module in the Xcode Test for iOS step
Package dependency errors when using Xcode Test for iOS step
Managing a large number of provisioning profiles and certificates
Error: no iOS Development signing certificate found
Error: Signing for X requires a development team
Test Plans from Xcode 11 onwards
Error: Process config: simulator UDID lookup failed
Error: Your account has reached the maximum number of certificates
Transporter transfer failed, issuer ID is required
Local Mirrors of CocoaPods and Homebrew failed to find a dependency
Paste permission pop-up on iOS
Enabling UI automation for macOS tests
VPN and DNS issues with macOS Ventura stacks
Error: "SwiftLintPlugin" must be enabled before it can be used
Found multiple versions of Xcode in /Applications/ error
Xcode 14 and React Native 0.70.0 Xcode Archive Step sign in issue